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Chemical evidence


angle cut with molten blobs

This picture is not the primary evidence for use of thermite; it may be an artifact of the cleanup operation. The primary evidence is the unique chemical signature.

Thermite. Learn the word.

Everyone agrees that an open air fire is not hot enough to melt steel. But there was melted steel at the Trade Centers -- there is video of it pouring out of the building, there is testimony of multiple witnesses who found molten steel months after the attacks deep in Ground Zero.

The fire didn't do it. What did?

Thermite is an incendiary made up of iron oxide and aluminum, which when ignited can reach temperatures of 4500 degrees Fahrenheit in two seconds, more than enough to liquify steel. Thermite leaves unique traces of itself. Its byproducts include:
  • molten iron, found in significant quantities at the WTC site;

  • Aluminum oxide, visible as white smoke, seen rising from the base of the WTC;

  • Sulfur (thermate is thermite mixed with sulfur to make it even more powerful), also found at the WTC site;

  • Flourine and manganese, both found "in abundance" in the previously molten metal found at the WTC site, telltale signatures of thermite; and

  • 1,3-diphenylpropane, expected if gel form of thermite was used, and indeed according to the EPA it was found at WTC site at levels "that dwarfed all other" chemicals.

The previously molten metal found at the WTC site is primarily iron. Not steel. Not aluminum. In other words, not the structural steel from the building, and not airplanes. There is no official explanation. NIST denies it, but FEMA acknowledges: "evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting...A liquid eutectic mixture containing primarily iron, oxygen, and sulfur formed during this hot corrosion attack on the steel...No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified."

Not even FEMA attempts to blame it on fire, but thermate explains it perfectly.

Thick steel beams were in places "reduced to almost razor sharpness...its edges curled like a paper scroll...gaping holes, some larger than a silver dollar" -- fire cannot do this to steel. But it is telltale evidence of thermite.

The steel beams showing this corrosive evidence were cut at the telltale angles of controlled demolitions (i.e., not straight across, but angled so as to encourage the top piece to slide down the bottom piece). You see the unique chemical signature that has no other explanation, you see nice clean demolition-worthy cuts. You also see the telltale corrosion on the tops of hundreds of cars around the site.

Source: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth DVD


The thermite evidence seems pretty strong. Some people do argue that the 1,3 diphenylpropane could be from melted polystyrene, and I'm sure there are alternative explanations for each of the other chemical signatures as well. But the combination of the chemicals, the molten iron, the corrosive effects on the steel columns, the razor sharpness, the swiss cheese holes, the cars...taken all together, I have to say it sounds pretty suspicious.

Bottom line, me, I give it:

extremely suspiciousextremely suspiciousextremely suspiciousextremely suspicious


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