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Reluctance to investigate


The Bush administration did not want any independent investigation of the attacks at all. It resisted all such efforts every step of the way, saying such probes could "increase leaks and compromise intelligence." It resisted the initial inquiry (the 2002 Joint Intelligence Congressional Inquiry), and it resisted the formation of the official 9/11 Commission. It was only after intense pressure from the victims' families that Bush signed the bill creating the Commission in November 2002, well over a year after the attacks. (By way of comparison, the Challenger investigation started right away and its report was released less than six months after the disaster; the Warren Commission was established exactly one week after JFK was assassinated.)

When the 9/11 investigations were authorized they were underfunded and the administration refused to cooperate with them. Then the administration tried to censor the findings and delay the release of reports. More about the funding, mission, and lack of cooperation can be found elsewhere, but the very reluctance to investigate is an issue worthy of its own item here.

Source: Marrs, p. 152-153, and Washington Post, Sep 19 2002


Vague claims of national security cannot serve as a blanket cover against all investigations of the administration if we still want to consider ourselves a democracy. It's blatant bullshit. There's no excuse for it, it's shameful, it's a bald-faced fuck-you power play by people who think we're all suckers and they can get away with anything. In other words I think it's rather suspicious.

Bottom line, me, I give it:

rather suspiciousrather suspiciousrather suspicious


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